13 February 2012

A.Scarlatti: Sinfonie - "Bella madre de' Fiori"

Scarlatti - Sinfonie - Bella madre de Fiori
Genre: Classical | APE & CUE | 1 CD, Covers | 300 MB
Date: 30 Jul 2002, Palazzo Pallavicini, Cremona
Sopranista, Angelo Manzotti
Tromba, Gabriele Cassone
Flauto dolce, Gianpaolo Capuzzo
Orchestra Barocca di Cremona
dir. Giovanni Battista Columbro
Sinfonia II in re maggiore per tromba, flauto e archi
Sinfonia VI in la minore per flauto e archi
Cantata "Bella Madre de' Fiori"
Sinfonia XII in do minore per flauto e archi
Sinfonia IV in mi minore per flauto e archi
I'm beginning here to resurrect some of the works that "disappeared" from Avax or were "abandoned" from the original uploaders. There's not a real thought behind it, I'm just cleaning up my HDs and following the wind. What I downloaded long ago is flowing back. All credits go to the first uploader. Enjoy...


thehague said...

Thanks for this share. Btw you were absolutely right about the Avaxhome KGB bastards: they closed my account because of 'asking too many questions'. Those questions were about why posts in favour of Rapidshare were removed. My guess is they don't make any money out of RS. They are absolute tyrants (I guess I will be banned forever after this comment).

Toutatis said...

...asking too many questions... ROFLMAO! Someone should cure that people, or maybe they just should dance the Bear-Mambo once in a while. Good for the body, good for the brain.

Don't worry about a ban, they can't keep you out of the site, the just can prevent you from writing your own post.

Sad news: Musica Medieval & Renacentista (Mastranto) has been wiped out of the web. This means that Google too began moving. Keep your fingers crossed.

maxtorello said...

Manzotti is a Top in this repertoire! Unfortunately, his records are very rare to find -- Hope some chance for 'Carlo Broschi detto Farinelli: Il Quaderno dell'Imperatrice (label Concerto)'
and anything by this artist . thanks