02 October 2012

Eros in Renaissance Music

Easy CD-DA | FLAC tracks | Covers | 318 Mb

Date CD: May 11, 2004 | Panton | 64:57

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Cosimo Bottegari: Monicella Mi Farei for lute
Orazio Vecchi: L'Amfiparnasso, madrigal comedy ([Excerpt])
Giacomo Gorzanis: Te parti cor mio caro
Orlande de Lassus: Matona mia cara, villanelle for 4 voices, S. x/93
Anonymous: Trista sorte è la mia sorte
Claudio Monteverdi: Si ch'io vorrei morire, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 4), SV 89
Claudio Monteverdi: Voglio di vita uscir, madrigal for soprano
Thomas Vautor: Mother, I Will Have A Husband
John Dowland: Can she excuse my wrongs, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs)
Tobias Hume: Hit It in the Middle
Tobias Hume: She Loves It Well:
Michael East: Poor Is the Life, madrigal for 6 voices (The Triumph of Oriana)
Thomas Morley: Fyer, fyer, madrigal for 5 voices
Jean Courtois: Petit Jaquet
Anonymous: D'amour je suis déshéritée
Pierre Guédron: C'est une damoiselle, song
Pierre Moulu: Amy, souffrez
Clément Janequin: Or vien ca, vien, m'amye, chanson for 4 voices, M. 2/41
Hans Teuglin: Nun ist es doch kein Reuter
Peter Fabricius: Warum sind die Studenten
Paul Hofhaimer: Ach edler Hort
Hans Neusidler: Mein Herz hat sich mit Lieb' verpflicht
Anonymous: Traut Marle
Hans Neusidler: Zart schöne fraw, for lute (The Lautenbuch, Book I)
German Traditional: Zu Regensburg auf der Kirchturmspitz, folk song
Anonymous: Teresica hermana
Juan del Encina: Más vale trocar
Antonio de Cabezón: Diferencias for organ sobre el canto "llano de Cavallero"
Juan del Encina: Mi libertad en sosiego
Juan del Encina: Cucú, cucú, cucúcu, cancionero (from Cancionero de Palacio)

Musica Fresca

I'm resurrecting here some of the works that "disappeared" from Avax or were "abandoned" from the original uploaders. There's not a real project behind it, I'm just cleaning up my HDs and following the tide. What I downloaded long ago is flowing back. All credits go to the first uploader. Enjoy...


Anonymous said...

gracias por estas rarezas...Gold

Anonymous said...

Muchas gracias!+